main page > 2008 > 2008 05 01 Ski Ecrins Lavay

2008 05 01 Ski Ecrins Lavay

Slideshow: Fancy MySimple
PDA: portrait landscape

To Map of Outing

I get an invitation via join Philippe and Torsten for the long weekend; having worked a lot that week, I decided to take a break. We left in the evening, got to the parking lot late, and went up through the night towards the refuge. We arrived and were surprised to find just a couple of people. The incredible thing is that the end part right before the Refuge Lavay (1797m) was full of snow and few days later there would be none.!

The first day we did "Col de la Muande" and we were rewarded on the descent with pure virgin powder.

The second day we did la "Tete des Fetoules AD", we took a wrong turn which had the effect that everyone followed us!! Philippe gets the courage medal because the last meters were say sketchy.

The last two days we did a loop, we went up "Col de l'Olan" to the refuge de "Font Turbat". There we met a group of hardcore skiers with whom we played cards on the roof of the refuge. This was super fun, I could have stayed on the roof all day (well, we actually kind of 5 hours!!! laying on the roof). The next day we went down the new valley and up another col (which by now I have forgotten the name). The bad news, is that my skins were pretty shot, the good news is that I had brought a backup pair, the bad news is that they are crappy, the good news is that I did 1.5 more distance that my friends, the bad news is that I zigged zagged way more than my friends.


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