main page > 2005 > 2005 01 09 Ski FaceOuest Arces

2005 01 09 Ski FaceOuest Arces

Slideshow: Fancy MySimple
PDA: portrait landscape

To Map of Outing

Sunday is a different day (from say Saturday). Applying the late start (luke (c)) technique, we departed at around 7h30 am this time. The plan was to do something relaxed, or so I thought. I learned that we were doing also another 1300m day, there goes the idea of a chill day, no biggie. The ascent through the forest was pretty until we got to see our intented destination, ergh, hmm, it looks "slidy" I am thinking, and so were the others. It was decided that we would go up another summit, the point des Arces. Ok I am cool with that. An hour later we are chilling at the summit. The panorama and views are excellent.

Now comes the tricky part, the descent!. Ergh?! we are going down that ? I, of course not being born in the mountains, am the least masterful skier... but I am getting there, slowly but surely (do not forget that safety is my middle name, ('prudence' in french ;). The first 600m is crusty snow at 40degrees, a little tricky. I discover the fall turn and the fist slow down (drag your uphill fist through the snow to slow down... we won't talk about why is the snow so close or why it is so easy to drag your fist in the snow :). The last section of the couloir is a little bit trickier and I do this using the "derapage" technique, i.e. you slide sideways all the way down. I would like to note that I did not do any downhill conversions (as this would have taken points from my ethic factor) (it would have been a good idea). In revanche, I did end up "deshoeing" (taking off my skis) for the last bits, we won't go into details why...

Anyways, overall, a very memorable experience, and thanks to the other guys for the tips and pointers, and very good company, I look forward to doing other outings with them.


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