(people from left to right, Christine, Robert, Alex, Hector, Mike, Luke, Matt H., and Julie)

Spring Break 2000, Red Rocks Canyon NV

A bunch group of us (Dave Anderson, Dave Maltz, Stephanie Hong, Matt Z., Matt 'surf boy' Hollingworth, Christin Kornylak, Lisa Kinder, Luke Sosnowski, Robert Zeithammer, Alex Hoelke, Kate Smith, Mike Freedman, Julie Ma, and yours truly) went to Red Rocks for spring break 2000. Here is what I did:
03/18/00 Sport Climbing Panty Wall, led 5.10A0 (the A0 is for resting on gear 3 times), it is all Robert's Fault he made me do it (actually he just said, why don't you go up this climb, some people already did it and said it was easy, and I said OK (with a dummy voice); anyways it can't be that hard, since I only lead 5.7 or 5.8
03/19/00 Tunnel Vision 5.6/5.7 w/ Stephanie Hong and Matt Z., did the right fork variation (missing the 5.7 pitch). Although rope drag of combining a couple of pitches (hearing someone's advice who was there supposedly the day before) was killer, and ended up doing a couple of laps up and down before getting to the entrance of the cave!!
03/20/00 Sport climbing black corridor with Dave Maltz, awesome climbing, Dave is my man.
03/21/00 Frogland 5.8- with Lisa Kinder, led even pitches; really fun climbing with Lisa, she is my woman, the finger traverse is awesome (exposure), and you can really hear the frogs all the time. Although I would definately would not do it with packs (lisa even led the pitch going under the chockstone with a pack!!)
03/22/00 Olive Oil 5.7 with Julie Ma and Dave Anderson, led 2 5.7P: Dave Anderson is my man, we had really lots of fun on this climb, although I somehow scared the beutiful bunch (like 4 or 5) Oregon girls that were going to climb behind us, when I did my Car start (rrrrum rrrrum) warm up before starting the climb. The last pitch which has offwidth and chimney was superb!!
03/23/00 Cat and the Hat 5.6, with 5.8-5.10 variation traverse with Julie Ma: Julie is my woman, we did the first two pitches of this climb, and since we could not find where the route went (we really didn't search that hard), I conned Julie into doing a variation, you will have to read the special trip report for this LONG day to get the fun details. I also jotted down a route description for posterity
03/24/00 Sport Climbing with Christine, Alex, and Julie, sandstone quarry: Aah rest day, it was nice chilling out with the gang on a relaxing day.
03/25/00 Great Red Book 5.8 with Alex Hoelke, led P2, also some sport climbing at ?? wall. Bummer the last day, but we definately got the Great Red Book, a classic in, and we topped out the day with some sport climbs. This is an important day to jot down, since Robert did his first Lead climbing on some unknown easy route.
This is my leading the second pitch of 'The Great Red Book (5.8)', I take seriously what they mean by working on a route.

There are other accounts and pages of this trip. Robert has a page with his journal and Dave Anderson wrote a trip report for the whole week