3/31/02 Epinephrine 5.9 w/ Glen Sanders, started around 5:45am P1 5.8 60', skipped, "scrambled around" P2 5.7 100' and part of P3 5.6 150', lead part of P3 5.6 and P4 4th Glen P5 5.9 150', Glen lead. Probably the hardest chimney pitch or maybe just because it is first one. P6 5.9 75' lead. Saved the 3.5 Camelot for right below the belay. P7 5.9 90' Glen. You may not want to linke P6 and P7 if you do not have a lot of gear in the 3.5 and 4 camelot. We only brought one 3.5, and one 3 camelot as large gear. No hexes P8 4th lead, dumps you on top of tower top of tower at 8:40am P9 5.7 75', P10 5.7 75' and part of P11 5.6 75' lead part P11 5.6 and P12 5.9 75', glen P13 5.9 90', lead P14 5.6 75' and P15 5.8 100' Glen P16 5.6 75' and P17 5.9 90' lead. Went by the 5.9 roof without even noticing!! P18 5.6 150' Glen top of P18 at 12:00 top of ramp at 12:30. Finished descent by 3:10pm BETA, once you reach the top, go to the top of highest moutain (in front of you), and traverse on the ridge until you run out of cairns (like 3 sub summits), then start the descend, you share some of it with frogland. BETA, find out which one is Whisky peak so you can understand what the descent description is talking about!! BETA, make sure you bring a 3.5 or 4 camelot. The party behind us (travis and bret?) from Vermont did not have a fun time because of it. BETA use your large gear on the chimneys efficiently. save it for end or when really need it. BETA on the first chimney the bolt is going to be on the wall, and I think the second or so will be on the tower, this will be an indication of where you want your legs and your butt should be. BETA you dont have to climb the chimneys as chimneys, if there are cracks use them and climb accordingly It is about 1500 feet of climbing plus the 700 feet of ramp and traverses afterwards. The key to finishing early, is to not fuck around. ie you reach the belay you get ready for the next pitch. BETA we stayed roped up for the ramp. you can tie in short if you want (100'?). In terms of pro, not really needed until the traverse (when you can see the lone pine tree). Here you can place one or two pieces as the first person is going up towards the tree.